If you're not getting your zzz's right now, you're not alone...
Sleep is essential for mental health and physical repair but how can you take a natural
approach to improving your sleep pattern?
Many people reported a noticeable change in their sleep patterns over the recent Covid-19 Lockdown; I, myself, found I was going to bed exhausted but then laying awake most of the night. Sleep problems have been a frequent complaint throughout the nation, so much so that Cardiff University has conducted a nationwide survey to investigate how social confinement and stress of life with a pandemic affected our sleep.
The study will look at people who developed sudden insomnia, those whose current sleep problems worsened as well as reports of 'vivid dreams'. But how can you tackle your sleep problems naturally, without dosing up on Valerian?
I know it sounds strange, but think of sleep hygiene as creating a cool and collective space. It's hard to concentrate when surrounded by clutter and for a good night's sleep, you need to create a space that is well ventilated, cool, and clean (no dust or other irritants). I find that adding in some white noise as well as diffusing a cool blend of mind-clearing essential oils often helps clean a space for sleep. Switching off screens and using low lighting for a time before closing your eyes also falls under sleep hygiene and is essential for a good nights rest.
Often when we have had a stressful day our adrenaline is still pumping when we go to close our eyes, our heads can fill with a million and one different thoughts and we're unable to switch off and get some rest. There are ways to reduce this but it does take some practice. Some simple tips would be to leave work at work. Set a caffeine cut off time, opt for herbal teas instead such as chamomile, passionflower, or lavender. Try evening yoga or meditation and really focus on your breathing techniques.
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